Never Sneeze While Crafting
Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong? Mine started early after taking my daughter to school. I get my big box of mica flakes out dipping some things I had handsewn the night before. I knew not to start this early as my sinuses are always a mess in the morning. A sneeze came on and I could not turn fast enough. Mica flakes FLEW everywhere. Fine tiny pieces in my face, up my nose, on the floor and floating in the air. I don't know if you have ever played with mica but it just doesn't fall off. It attaching itself like a leech.
My next faux pas was the old elbow in the glue on my brand new sweatshirt. Oh well I knew it would get ratty sooner or later maybe I should of stuck my elbow in the mica flakes.
Then came the teeny tiny tiny marbles I use on my snowflake pictures. I should of tried to put them back in the bottle but those things once they let loose go faster than my poor body can catch them. My other elbow hit the container I had them in of course I did not put the lid down good. Lost them all. Had to vacuum them up as they are a lost cause to sweep up. Maybe just maybe tomorrow will be a better day.